H: Discussion rubric

Table 17.4: Rubric for Discussion sections.
Rating (number of criteria met)
with Transition (Study 1) without Transition (Study 2) Section Criteria Advanced Proficient Developing Emerging
20% 30% Review A. reminds the reader of the predictions made at the end of the Introduction (the Research Question/Hypothesis) and/or Method section (Analysis & Design); B. briefly covers each of the predictor variables relevant to the current sub-section (either Study 1 or Study 2, but not both, in our case); C. this section of the Discussion gets its own, short paragraph. 3 2 1 0
30% 40% Comparison A. compares the findings of the preceding Results section to the respective predictions made in the Introduction and/or Method sections; B. covers each of the relevant predictor variables (for the current sub-section); C. for each predictor, this section states somehow whether the predictions were confirmed, disconfirmed, or unresolved; D. this part of the Discussion gets its own, short paragraph. 4 3 2 0-1
30% 0% Transition & Preview A. explains why there is a subsequent study (if there is one); B. summarizes what the analysis in the subsequent study will involve (which variables, which kind of statistical analysis, etc.); C. predicts how the results will turn out; D. this section of the Discussion gets its own paragraph. 4 3 2 0-1
20% 30% Language and style A. Formal style (no use of informal language, like slang, or colloquial expressions); B. Plain style (not ornate) with simpler vs. complex sentences; C. Paragraphs transition easily into each other; D. Ideas are presented coherently; E. Sentences are cohesive (pronoun references are clear, etc.). 5 3-4 1-2 0