D: Method rubric

Table 17.2: Rubric for Method sections.
Rating (number of criteria met)
Weight Section Criteria Advanced Proficient Developing Latent
15% Participants A. how the participants were recruited; B. a more detailed description of participant characteristics based on how they were recruited; C. statistics on Gender and Age; D. any exclusion and/or inclusion criteria that were used; E. of those who responded, how many were filtered out. 5 3-4 1-2 0
30% Materials A. the total number of questions; B. the construct that the questions relate to; C. the number of items within each construct; D. the questions themselves; E. the potential range of scores if the response to the question is bounded; F. the order of the questions on the survey. 6 4-5 2-3 0-1
30% Analysis & Design A. in general, what the predictor variables, together, predict of the composite outcome variable; B. the means and standard deviations of each of the outcome variables; C. how the outcome variable was computed, including any internal-reliability analysis (e.g., Cronbach’s Alpha); D. relevant descriptive statistics (means and SDs, or counts) for each of the predictor variables; E. how each of the predictor variables should relate to the composite outcome variable (more detailed than what is in the section, Introduction - Research Question). 5 3-4 1-2 0
5% Procedure A. what group[s] the survey was sent out to; B. how the survey was sent out [e.g., by email, a weblink, etc.]; C. how long the survey was active before data collection ceased. 3 2 1 0
20% General language A. Formal style (no use of informal language, like slang, or colloquial expressions); B. Plain style (not ornate) with simpler vs. complex sentences; C. Paragraphs transition easily into each other; D. Ideas are presented coherently; E. Sentences are cohesive (pronoun references are clear, etc.). 5 3-4 1-2 0