Chapter 1 Getting used to jamovi

This short chapter will introduce you to jamovi (The jamovi Project, 2019).

As noted in the last chapter, jamovi (first letter is lowercase) is free statistical-analysis software that is built on top of a wildly popular, free, statistically-centered, programming language called R (R Core Team, 2023). The difference is that jamovi consists of a GUI, whereas R is command-line software. That is, jamovi is point-and-click with easy-to-use pull-down menus, whereas R involves typing code on a blank screen. R is rapidly changing the face of data science, but it can be very intimidating at first because of its command-line nature and, what many (even seasoned programmers) feel to be, unusual programming syntax. jamovi is a much easier program to use, and it is explicitly designed to be manageable for beginners.

1.1 Downloading and installing

This is easy. Just go to the main jamovi website, find the download tab, choose your operating system, then download and install.

1.3 Outside help on basics

1.3.1 Overall introduction’s general introductory tutorial on jamovi is a nice overview of jamovi. Choose video #1, called Welcome. If you are at Texas A&M University, you can also go to the Howdy! portal and search for jamovi in the LinkedIn Learning tutorials. In fact, all of’s tutorials on jamovi are available there.

1.3.2 Downloading and installing

Here are some tutorials on how to download and install jamovi: - the jamovi User Guide - the video tutorial on how to do this. Scroll to video #2, Installing jamovi. - Navarro & Foxcroft (2019), Chapter 3, Section 1 (3.1)

1.3.3 Navigating

1.3.4 Modules’s video tutorial on jamovi modules. Scroll to video #7, jamovi modules.

1.4 Conclusion

Now that you are somewhat familiar with the layout of jamovi, it’s time to learn how to work with data. This is the topic of the next chapter.


Navarro, D. J., & Foxcroft, D. R. (2019). Learning statistics with jamovi: A tutorial for psychology students and other beginners (Version 0.70) [Computer software]. Self.
R Core Team. (2023). R: A language and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing.
The jamovi Project. (2019). Jamovi (Version 1.0.0).

  1. We don’t actually know the official name of this.↩︎

  2. Same here. There seems to be no official name.↩︎